April 5, 2020
To Our Valued Clients, Longtime Friends, & Colleagues,
We hope that this update finds you and your families safe and healthy. As stated in the last couple of weeks, during this time of unprecedented uncertainly, as new information and changes related to the real estate, mortgage, and closing industries unfolds, we will be periodically sending messages that we feel are pertinent to professionals in our sphere. For us at Kriss Law/Atlantic, this past week saw us further settle into the new normal. The last several days brought more closings being completed electronically as jurisdictions continue to add RON legislation, many transactions funding using GAP insurance, and a steady flow of solutions coming into focus for issues ranging from closed county offices to quarantined borrowers. We are very pleased to report that thanks to the diligence of our staff and our management team in particular, we have found very few of the numerous hurdles we have encountered to be insurmountable. It has become apparent to us, now more than ever, that our team's hundreds of years of combined title industry experience has made a tremendous difference when addressing the many problems that have arisen as a result of the outbreak. We are humbled by our team's dedication to our clients, their safety, and to getting the job done. As areas across the country continue to see robust spring markets and with refinance applications still steady, many of the questions we have been receiving in response to our updates are either jurisdictional or transaction-specific in nature. As a result, we have decided that instead of trying to address all possible questions, problems, and issues with one long message, a dedicated email address for all pandemic-related industry questions makes the most sense. With this in mind, please feel free to contact us via the link below. A hand chosen group of our management team will be monitoring this inbox constantly and will provide a response to all inquiries in a timely manner: As we have throughout this period, we urge you to follow all suggested health best practices and make the most informed decisions possible. Please consult our website and social media feeds often for industry updates related to the outbreak. As always, we are here for you and your clients. Please don't hesitate to contact us at any time. Stay safe and stay at home!! -Your Friends At Kriss Law/Atlantic |
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